03 June 2009

To sustain growth and vitality in our economy, we need a growing population in Singapore with talents in every field. -- PM Lee Hsien Loong in the 2006 National Day Rally
Contrast the above statement with an interesting speech given by former Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Dr. Ow Chin Hock, in 1978 at the opening of the Family Planning Association.
At the national level, a large population not only means greater demand for jobs and for social infrastructure such as education, housing, medical and health services. It also means that the material gains accruing from economic development have to be shared by a larger number of people, resulting in lower living standards for everyone. Thus, Two Is Enough is not a mere slogan. ‘It is the responsibility of every parent and citizen to ' put it into practice. -- Dr. Ow Chin Hock
I fully agree with Dr. Ow here. He makes alot more sense than our present Singapore leaders who worship at the altar of unlimited growth, which will soon be kept in check by a finite resource base.

Growth Does Not Equal Prosperity!

Speech by Dr. Ow Chin Hock on Family Planning (1978) Speech by Dr. Ow Chin Hock on Family Planning (1978)