19 February 2012


Sai Fengjie said...

Hi there, just wanted to say that I've really gleaned a lot from your blog. Keep contributing yea, people need to know about Peak Oil, SSE, urban agriculture the sooner and the more the better. Thank you for your blog.

Sai Fengjie said...

Hi there, I just wanted to thank you for your blog. Much more people need to know about these pressing issues that you have covered here. Thanks once again, keep writing!

Sai Fengjie said...

Hi there just want to thank you for your blog. I think everybody needs to know about the times we r living in so that we can be prepared. Please keep contributing. Thank you!

TM said...

Thank you for visiting. I'm too busy to update my blog these days and I have nothing much else to comment on. I highly recommend the books and web links I placed on my blog. Best regards.